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Designed for the modern Internet, this site uses a clean, professional look to convey inforamtion to existing and potential club members. The content of the site is maintainable through an adminstrative area of the site. This administration area allows authorized club members to update the news on the home page, the meeting dates, and schedule offered courses.

Additional features still under development for the site include a membership database, an activities calendar, the ability to signup for courses online, and the ability to subscribe and unsubscribe from the club's e-mail listserv.


The Site

The equipment page allows visitors to see what equipment is available for rent through the club, the cost, and their policies on rentals. Links from this page provide directions to the equipment room and a form to fill out to request an equipment rental appointment.

The contact page provides various ways to reach the humans in charge of the club. It also puts faces with the names of the current officers running the club.

An anonymous comment form allows visitors to provide feedback to the club officers without identifying themselves.


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Surf's Up Web Design
210 W Hamilton Ave #102
State College, PA 16801